Where it Began

Jason was raised in the San Gabriel Valley as the son of a first generation immigrant and an orphan. While battling to discover his own identity as he was surrounded by voices telling him who he could not be. Most of all that he could not be a success.

Choosing More

Rather than give in forces that surrounded him, something inside Jason told him that he could not simply become the result of his circumstances. Determined not to repeat the mistake of the past, Jason connected to something deeper, and was pulled out of the cycle of dysfunction.

Where We Are Going

Jason has a vision to establish the space for authentic masculinity.

Somewhere between abandon responsibility and abused authority. There has to be a place for authentic masculinity. The vision is to speak at one to two events a month where communities desire to see masculinity reestablished in our world. 

Jason’s passion for living out true identity and servant leadership will inspire you to take action. Leaving practical tools to activate that inspiration is Jason’s hallmark. Reach out today to discuss how Jason can partner with your organization and see your vision come to pass. 

Joy to work with

A decision to work with Jason will leave you filled with joy. A speaker who shows up prepared, and delivers on the message every time.

Deeply Committed

When it comes to inspiring growth and change, Jason takes no shortcuts. You can be confident that he has the resources to meet your needs.

Highly Skilled

Beyond loving to share messages that motivate, Jason has developed a proven process to help engage audiences and leave them with tools to grow.