What People Are Saying About Jason

“Jason leaves me with confidence, humility, and a sense of encouragement. He is one of the most prolific and wisdom filled speakers that I know. He presents opportunities of growth and change in every interaction. He is a very charismatic speaker and one who will take the time to really make sure that everyone is seen and heard, He leaves no stone unturned. His business acumen and the way he inspires others to be the best versions of themselves makes him an effective communicator and advocate for anyone who is willing to hear him.”

Michael jordan – grief counselor

“After hearing Jason speak I left better informed and noticed to be a better leader. He increased my belief, hope and inspiration.I could see an organization benefiting from Jason’s presentations if they are looking for Leadership Communication Personal Development. He authentic, engaging and impactful”

Patricia perry – retired executive

“When I hear Jason speak I leave with motivation to become a better person and reflect on my own life and how I can grow. I would snatch up any opportunity to have Jason come and speak to your team. He is a breath of fresh air and deeply motivational. I left better after meeting him.”


“…His passion for bringing Black Excellence to forefront was nothing short of phenomenal. I am grateful for him.”

Minister john – Evangelist


I could see an organization benefiting from Jason’s presentations if they are looking to challenge leaders to lead and hold their team accountable.

When I hear Jason speak I leave with a strong understanding of what a servant leader looks like and the specific strategies that should be implemented. I am inspired and motivated to lead a successful sales team after listening to his professional presentation. He is compassionate and enjoys being a transparent leader. Jason was able to lead a diverse guest panel and I noticed that he kept the audience engaged. He was very organized and knowledgeable about the material he was presenting.


Rahje Parker – Territorial sales manager

“…Jason shared a wealth of knowledge and provided specific applications of information regarding understanding how when we begin taking social security can be a benefit or a detremint in retirement

Amy belk – business owner